
These thoughts are mine alone and do not represent any views of the Peace Corps.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The lighter or bigger side of things

This week there is not a whole lot going on. I am getting ready for English week at school by drawing pictures of animals. I have also been teaching some more, its not easy, but its something I enjoy. Tomorrow I am going to Kiev or Kyiv as we spell it here for the weekend. I am really looking forward to it and I am sure my next post will be about my trip. In the mean time, this is a picture of the biggest pickle I have ever seen. My host mother served it to me for dinner one night. Most of you can remember my rather big green thermos, the pickle had the diameter of almost half the height of my thermos. I hope that you have a good weekend and if you run into any pickles, that they might be smaller than the one you see here.

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