
These thoughts are mine alone and do not represent any views of the Peace Corps.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Help Needed!!!

Perhaps you can remember me posting last year about asking for donations for a camp. I am part of a Peace Corps group made up of volunteers called the Gender & Development Council often called GAD. Every year volunteers in GAD  hold three camps, two are for girls called GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) and TOBE (Teaching Our Boys Excellence).

Last year I went to Camp GLOW with five of my students and my counterpart. We had a great time.
The girls learned about leadership, volunteerism, project design & management, sexual health, HIV/AIDS, and others. Most of these topics were thing my students have never learned anything about previously.
Myself with the other camp counselors and some campers

The counselors dancing to "All The Single Ladies"

On the last day we had a public service campaign for the Ukrainian anti-trafficking hotline 527

My students loved what they learned so much that in March I held a Day GLOW at school with Cynden, Kerry, and Kris. It involved students from five different schools (three in Konstantinovka and Kerry's and Cynden's schools in Melitopol). We each conducted a different lesson. Kris taught leadership, Kerry and Cynden body image and self-esteem, healthy relationships and I taught a lesson on goals. It was a success and all who attended enjoyed it!
My director and I
students building a tower as a part of a leadership exercise using only limited materials

Cynden and Kerry talking about healthy relationships

All of the attendees and their teams

Gender stereotypes

Volunteers and Ukrainian teachers

This year I am not going to Camp GLOW. Instead six boys from the area, including four of my own students, are going to Camp TOBE. They are very excited to go, but we still have a long, long way to go on fundraising. We have over $3,200 left to raise. If you are able to, please help by donating here: https://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=donate.contribute.projdetail&projdesc=343-313.

All donations are tax deductible and go towards camp expenses. For more info go to: http://globeukraine.blogspot.com/.

Hello Friends and Family!
During my time in Ukraine as a Peace Corps Volunteer, I have become heavily involved with a working
group of volunteers called the Gender & Development Council (GAD).
Every summer, GAD, in partnership with local Ukrainian organizations, organizes two summer camps
for Ukrainian youth, ages 14‐17. Camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) and Camp TOBE (Teaching
Our Boys Excellence) provide a unique opportunity to gather 40 girls and 20 boys from different parts
of Ukraine to participate in a camp dedicated to learning about gender issues and developing
leadership as well as team building. Camp topics include: How to GLOW/Excel, How to Design a
Volunteer Project, CounterTrafficking
and Human Rights, Domestic Violence, HIV/AIDS Awareness, and
Healthy Lifestyles and Body Image, in combination with fun leadership and team building exercises and
This year, GAD and our partnering organizations will offer two GLOW and one TOBE camps. One
GLOW and TOBE camp will take place in the central town of Kozyaten, and the other GLOW camp will
be held in the western town of Kolomiya. Last year GAD held three camps, and they were all
fantastic—this year we can only hope for the same.
We are lucky to be working with Ukrainian partners who are eager to help make these camps a
success, but we are still in need of funds to help make these camps a reality. Through the Peace Corps
Partnership Program, we are asking friends, family, and local businesses back home to help us cover
costs for these camps.
In order to make these camps a reality, we need to raise $6,331. But your dollar can go a long way
here. For example, you could:
• Buy materials for a scavenger hunt—$12.50
• Send a Ukrainian child to camp for one day—$13
• Pay for copies of camp materials—$25
• Bus 40 kids to their campsite—$30
• Buy art and work supplies for one camp—$40
• Send a Ukrainian child to camp for one week—$72
Please consider making a taxdeductible
donation ($10, $20 or more) to help us make camp
GLOW/TOBE an amazing experience for the Ukrainian youth we work with each and everyday. Every
little bit counts!
You can make a donation here:
Or go to peacecorps.gov, and search for GLOW/TOBE Leadership
Summer Camp under "Ukraine" in "Donate to Volunteer Projects." Also,
visit our blog at http://globeukraine.blogspot.com for more photos,
videos and testimonials from past campers and counselors.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and thank you for
helping us empower the next generation of Ukraine!
Peace Corps Ukraine

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