
These thoughts are mine alone and do not represent any views of the Peace Corps.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Here we go...

I am sitting in my hotel room in Washington D.C. waiting for my sister to come so we can eat Mexican, and in my case, a ton of guacamole. I am really going to miss my international foods. And in less that 24 hours I am going to give up my Thai, Sushi, Mexican, my new favorite Indian, cupcakes, and my mom and dads food for pork and potatoes and that's about all they eat.

A few hours later...I managed to get the Mexican food I wanted, guacamole, cupcake and all. We are leaving for the airport soon and while I am excited, I am plenty nervous as well.  I hope I like it, I hope I made the right decision to do this, and I hope that I do not get to homesick that I cannot manage to stay in Ukraine. Wish me luck because in a few short hours life is about to restart, once again.

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