I made it to Ukraine ok...I feel that I should put more emphasis on that one, I MADE IT TO UKRAINE OK. After three days of not sleeping very much, one very exhausting flight, and a couple of wild bus rides, plus a night in a Sanitarium (What is that by the way??) It is safe to now say, that I made it okay. I am now living with a family in the Kiev oblast (think state) in a town called Myrovnika, which is about 100 km below Kiev. Its a nice place, but a small one and as an American I am going to get a lot of attention here. I am here to train for my job as an English teacher, along with 5 other people.
There are a lot of similarities to Slovakia, being that they are both Eastern European countires and all, but then again there are some differences. I am also having a wee bit of culture shock too. Right now I hope all of you who are reading this are enjoying ths still 60 degree days at home. It is quite a bit colder here, at about 40 degrees. I think that is all for now, but I will keep you all updated on how life goes...
You are sooo beautifullll!! XD